Luxury Liners MS Artania and Crystal Serenity
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Luxury Liners MS Artania and Crystal Serenity is in Maldives

Further surge in tourism saw two more opulent cruise ships arrive this month. As part of its “Easter, Art” themed 143- day cruise which started from Hamburg, Germany and ends in Savona, Italy.
Another luxurious cruise ship called Crystal Serenity is expected to come to Male any time soon. Currently Crystal Serenity is undertaking a World Cruise spanning for 142 days that began as an Easter cruise and will end in the Miami, Florida. The ship registered in Bahamas has a total capacity of 740 guests and 655 crews making it the seventh vessel to sail to Maldives this year.

These big ships are evidence that Maldives is fast becoming a favourite destination for holiday makers who prefer cruises. Spectacular natural beauty, abundant marine fauna and extravagant accommodations combined create unique and memorable experiences for people travelling there.

Luxury Liners MS Artania and Crystal Serenity
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